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Дни Дарвина Биоприсутствие ЭкоФото против наркомании Конкурсы Экология Души Смотр "Экосвет" Архив проектов
БиоприсутствиеУчастники проектаРуководитель группы - Попов Евгений Борисович.Руководитель НВО "Биоцентр" (Научно-внедренческое объединение "Биоцентр"). Адрес для связи: 196070, М-70, Санкт-Петербург, Московский проспект, д. 163, кв. 18. Тел/факс 8 (812) 374-2476, моб. 8-9217897116. Биолог (окончил биофак Ленгосуниверситета в 1972 году и аспирантуру в системе Академии Наук СССР по теме, связанной с изучением биологической наследственности, как фактора эволюции. Материалы диссертации опубликованы в виде двух книг: "Белые пятна эволюции" (совместно с доктором наук, профессором А.Б.Георгиевским; издат-во "Просвещение", 1987 г.) и "За семью замками наследственности" (издат-во "Агропромиздат", 1992 г.), а также отражены в статьях "Биологического энциклопедического словаря" (соавтор), претерпевшего ряд переизданий (первый выпуск - в издательстве "Советская энциклопедия", 1978 г). Автор ряда научных открытий в области теории наследственности и теории биологической эволюции, опубликованных в центральных научных монографических и периодических изданиях (основные: концепции единой ДНК и двухфакторной наследственности; комменсализма, как фактора эволюции). НВО "Биоцентр" - старейшая негосударственная организация Санкт-Петербурга. Зарегистрирована в июле 1991 года региональным Управлением юстиции, рег. № 111, ИНН 7820012119, КПП 782001001. Учредители - 11 физических лиц: ученые, юрист, специалист в области оздоровительной работы с населением. Персонал: на данный момент в штате 3 человека. Партнеры - различные научные и экологические организации. Основные направления деятельности организации: разработка основ теории биологической наследственности и теории биологической эволюции; реализация проектов в области экологического просвещения и образования населения, издание научно-популярной литературы по темам работы организации.
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В случае изыскания средств на полноценное финансирование проекта "Биоприсутствие" в России реализация его коммерческой составляющей будет осуществляться на договорной основе на базе одной из лаборатории биотехнологии в учреждении системы Сельско-хозяйственной Академии Наук Российской Федерации. Пример партнерской работы с НВО "Биоцентр" одной из такого рода структур (лаборатория биотехнологии Всероссийского института растениеводства им Н.И.Вавилова) достаточно обстоятельно отражен в передаче "Радио России в СПб" от 28 июля 2008г., посвященной проекту "Биоприсутствие" Скачать (Источник ролика Телеканал Россия СПб). На сотрудников группы проекта, чьи профессиональные возможности не подлежат сомнению, будет возложена задача организационного, информационного и юридического обеспечения проекта.
Образцы писем партнеров по проекту из Англии(руководитель английской версии проекта "Биоприсутствие Георг Треммель)Dear Mr PopovThank you very much for your message. I did read it with very high interest. Your point of the nouveau riches is very interesting. It seems, that in Russia today are many people with a lot of money. Unfortunately I have never been to Russia to confirm this. (Except for short stop-over at Sheremetyevo Airport) Your offer on behalf of the Biocenter sounds extremely good. We are always looking for a collaboration partners, with whom we can do business. We are specially interested in a partner with the biotechnological expertise, and the local connections to realize the business in the local market. What we are not interested in, is to run the possible business in Russia by ourself. Simply because we do not possess the local knowledge and connection to run it sucessfully. But we are interested in licencing our technology and form a partnership with an organization like your Biocenter. We would be happy to recieve more information about the Biocenter and talk about a possible collaboration more deeply. I am very much looking forward to discuss with you the scientific part of the project. Your books also sound very intriguing, any chance they will available in English? best wishes, Georg Tremmel
Thank your for your interesing messages and for your beautiful pictures. Please accept my apology for the time it took to write this reply. Your thoughts heredity and evolution are surely very thought-provoking. Not sure, if I can understand, what you mean exactly by the cytoplasmic environment. In your concept of DECORG, are you suggesting, that in addition to the DNA data, another type of decoding step, possibly within the ribosomes or somewhere else is involved? You might enjoy finding out more about a special virus called Phi-X, who is easily the most elegant organism on earth. At first the DNA of the virus is read in the usual way from the beginning to end, producing protein. Then, the DNA is read in palindromic fashion from the end to the beginning, again producing meaningful protein. (Similar to reading a book from the beginning to end, and then from the end to the beginning, only to discover another story in the second reading.) Having arrived at the beginning again, the translation mechanism frame- shifts one base, and again reads the DNA from the beginning to the end, and again from the end to the beginning. (In our analogical book, a shift of whitespace would produce again a different story, again also its palindrome.) Again at the beginning another frameshift, this times for two bases occurs, and again the DNA is read from the beginning to the end. Out of 6 possible reading of the DNA (forward, backwards, forward+1, backward +1, forward+2, backward+2), the virus manages to occuppy 5 of them. A marvelous, unsurpassed feat. But the question remains, how an organism like this managed to evolve into its present state. Because any chance in its DNA would affect the proteins encoded in the various back and forth interations...? But back to Biopresence. I agree, the we use the standard representation of biological life. But Biopresence is not about technological advantage or scientific progress. It is about the idea that an integral part of a person (its DNA) can be kept 'alive' and 'present' within another organsim. A certain amount of psychological transformation (or transference) occurs. The human code will be present and readable. Whether it might be possible to create another human being based only on this code remains to be seen. But one never knows, what the future holds. And, you are right, hope dies at last. Your mentioning of bird cherries sounds very interesting. Is there any cultural connection between bird cherry trees and burial, tombs or death in general in Russia? Unfortunatly there seems to be a slight misunderstanding. We are not based in the USA, but we were based in the UK for some time and are currently situated in Tokyo, Japan. We decided for Japan, because we exhausted our possibilites in UK and Europe. Most of the bio-labs are affiliated with universities and research institutions, and none of them was willing to collapored with us. Not because of problems with the project itself, but with the negative and in Europe very prominent Anti- GM feedback that would have occured through the media. Which, as many universities told us, would have affected them in terms of bad publicity and connected to that problems to acquire more state research funding. In Japan, chances seems to be better, we have several promising connections to several bio-labs, but unfortunatly we don't have any production capabilites yet. But we are working towards this and will of course let you know, once we have established a production facility. But we are still very much interested, whether you are familiar with a plant biotech lab working on wooden trees in Russia, with whom it might be possible to collaborate on this project. My best wishes, and please excuse me again for the long time it took to reply, Georg Tremmel
Here is a scanned version of an russian newspaper article about Biopresense a couple of years back. I can not really understand it. But I believe, that it (falsely) mentions, we are Professsors at a University in London. (We were students). Funnily enough, a crew from russian NTV came and asked for 'Professor Tremmel' and 'Professor Fukuhara'... Your PR text is excellently written. If the goal is to get press attention, than this should be sufficient. all the best, Geor
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